Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Sheldon Shines Brighter!

After Sidney Sheldon passed away a few years back, I was left with a huge void as to whose novels would ever hope to replace his books as my favourite read.  I confess that I have grown up reading his books ever since I was in form four, thirty four years ago and had been collecting each and every one of his novels ever since.  It all started when I was waiting for a friend at the Loke Yew Building in Kuala Lumpur one day after school, and it had been pouring like mad.  I took shelter in a small book store in that building and at first, only wanted to browse around when my eyes caught sight of this rather plain looking book with a single black rose tainted with blood.  That was the first thing that caught my attention about the book.

I wanted to read the synopsis of the book, not having any intention of buying it, when the friend whom I had been waiting for suddenly appeared and hastened that we got on our way.  Without a second thought, I purchased the book (which, at RM10.00, is actually less than one third of what novels cost nowadays!)  

I don't remember when I got around to reading the novel, but once I did, I found it difficult to stop.  What I do remember is that I read the book while having my meals, while I was putting my baby brother to sleep and even when I was helping with the chores around the house and I finished reading the book the same day I started!  

That was the impact Jennifer Parker the character created by Sidney Sheldon had on me, and he still does, because even though he is not around anymore I continue reading and re-reading his books, each time with renewed interest!  And that was the beginning of a long and wonderful relationship with a writer whom I admire!

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