Monday, December 19, 2011

Puding Som-Som

Another long, cold rainy day and the kids are hungry again.  Not that it's a bad thing because I know that they will like anything served to them when they are hungry; well almost anything.  Anyway, it's been raining for two days in a row and I'm too lazy to go to the nearest grocery shop to buy ingredients in order to make something for tea.  So, once again we (this time, my wife and I!) raided the larder and found ingredients to make this old traditional dessert, Puding Som-Som (in Malay).  Just four basic ingredients!

For the pudding:
1/2 cup rice flour
3 1/2 cups coconut milk
1/4 tsp salt

Mix everything together, strain to get rid of any lumps, then boil, stirring continuously, until mixture thickens and becomes glossy.  Pour mixture into a container to set; or you can put into individual serving molds. 

For the syrup:
200 ml water
100g sugar
2 pieces fragrant screwpine
1 quill cinnamon

Boil the mixture until it thickens then discard the fragrant screwpine and cinnamon.  Pour over the pudding to served warm or cold.

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