Sunday, September 8, 2013

Pisang Muda Dengan Ikan Masin/Young Banana with Salted Fish

Star Q

This is something I have not had in a long time; one reason is because my children don't like it (mainly due to the young banana since they only eat the ripe ones!) and the other reason is because it has salted fish in it which can make the dish a little salty.  

This dish however, is one of my favourite dish and so I guess having it once in a blue moon is okay as long as you don't get overboard when eating it.  For your information this similar dish can be prepared by substituting the young bananas with aubergines especially the green variety.  The preparation procedure and the ingredients are basically the same.

  • 2 combs young bananas (about twenty bananas)
  • 300 g salted Kurau (cut into 2 inches lengths)
  • 15 birds eye chilies, pounded
  • 5 shallots, pounded
  • 2 thumb size fresh turmeric, pounded
  • 1 cup coconut cream
  • 2 cups plain water
  • 2 pieces Asam Gelugor

Peel the bananas, halve them and soak in cold water (I usually take some of the peel to include in the dish) Place all the ingredients into a pot (except the coconut cream)  Bring to a slow simmer and allow to cook until the bananas are tender and the salted fish is flaky.  Add the coconut cream, season with salt and add the Asam Gelugor.  Return to a simmer once again and continue to cook for another five minutes.  Serve hot.

Note : I usually wait till the next day when all the flavours have permeated into the bananas and the gravy has thickened slightly.

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