Monday, February 9, 2015

Roti Arab Gemas

Star Q

Public holidays are things that I usually look forward to especially if they fall in the middle of the week.  It offers a break from the long week of work; a welcome intermission to rest.  

We had a middle-of-the-week public holiday recently and I decided to treat my family to a home-made breakfast.  I decided to try making Roti Arab Goreng which I recently had for breakfast at the office; twice!  So the night before, I weighed the ingredients and prepared the veggies for the curry to accompany the bread.

Early the next morning, I woke up early and prepared the bread which had to be left to rise for an hour.  While, waiting for the bread dough to rise, I cooked the vegetable curry and re-heated the Egg Sambal.  The bread was ready at about 8 a.m., just in time for breakfast.  And my family loved it!  Looks like there will be a second time for Roti Arab at our home!

  • 250 g AP flour
  • 2 tbs butter
  • 2 tbs olive oil
  • 2 tbs granulated sugar
  • 1 tsp instant dried yeast
  • 200 ml warm water
  • 2 pinches salt
  • 4 cups cooking oil

In a small jug, stir warm water together with the sugar, butter and olive oil until the sugar dissolves.  Then, in a large bowl, mix the dried yeast and flour.  Make a hole in the centre, pour the liquid and mix until well incorporated.  Knead the dough for ten minutes, cover the bowl with a damp cloth and set aside for an hour for the dough to rise.

After an hour, knead the dough again and divide evenly into eight balls.  Meanwhile, heat the cooking oil in a wok.  Flatten each ball with the heel of your palm (1/2 cm) to the size slightly bigger than a saucer.  Fry the flattened dough one at a time, until it puffs up.  Once cooked, place the fried bread on absorbent kitchen towels.  Serve hot with the vegetable curry and egg sambal.  

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