Sunday, November 20, 2011

Chocolate Cake I

Last Tuesday the 15th of November, the Upper six students decided to have a farewell party before sitting for the STPM examinations.  They really went all out for the event because I overheard them planning to prepare a whole menu of food, all of them delicious (at least I personally thought so!)  Unfortunately, I was not able to attend because I was asked to be the master of ceremony for an official event at the open hall involving our town's assemblyman (woman in fact!)

Back to the chocolate cake in question; I was actually quite surprised when they asked me to prepare a chocolate for their party to which I accepted.  To tell you the truth, I seldom bake chocolate cakes because not a single person in my family likes it.  I've made some brownies here and there, but never a chocolate cake.  And so, it was a pleasant surprise when the feedback that I got regarding the cake after the party was, in all, a positive one.  So, here's the recipe!

120g warm water
20g cocoa powder
1 tsp instant coffee (I used decaffeinated Nescafe!)
1 tsp vanilla essence
(mix these four ingredients and let cool)

220g superfine flour
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp bicarbonate soda
(sift these three ingredients together)

200g castor sugar
180g butter (I used Buttercup)
3 large eggs (I used 4 medium ones)

Cream the butter and sugar then beat the eggs in one at a time.  Mix in the flour alternating it with the coffee mixture.  Pour into a lined and greased 8-inch round baking tin and bake for 50 minutes at 180 C (or according to your own ovens)  When cooked, leave to cool completely before topping with the ganache.

For the ganache
250g cooking chocolate (I used Van Houten)
100g cream (I used evaporated milk!)
1 tbs butter (I added this even though the original recipe did not ask for it!)

Gently warm the milk.  When almost simmering, remove from heat and put in the chocolate and butter and allow to melt.  Stir the mixture, and when it reaches your desired consistency, pour onto the chocolate cake.